#AtoZChallenge – Flash fiction based on life’s philosophy or mood or emotions, interpreted using colours.
Part 1: Dandelion Meets Denim
Part 2: Olive Branch
Part 3: Pink Infatuation
Onto Part 4: Quartz Shocker

Sanaa had been watching his house for the past one week, boiling in anger. The five days did nothing to cool her temper. How dared he call her ‘little girl’! She might be short but she wasn’t immature or an imbecile.
Today was the perfect day to complete what she had set out to do. She had seen his family drive off, and she knew he drove the bike and a Pajero. And both the vehicles were parked in the driveway. The mission would take around half an hour, she would have her say today.
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The short story is now part of the collection ‘Heart & Hots‘ on Amazon.

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